Dear Friend,
What’s your life look like today? Are you frazzled? Did the baby spit up on your clothes for the third time today? Are the older kids bickering--again? How did those dishes pile up so fast? How will the bills get paid this month? This lockdown feels unending. Simply frazzled.
You question whether your sanity will be intact by the time we get back to normal. Normal? What is normal anyway?!
Friend, you are not alone. We are all feeling this pandemic deeply. Rollercoaster style.
But guess who is with you for every high and every low? Yep. The Lord God Almighty. Let that name sink in. Is he Lord? Is he God? Is he Almighty? Yes, yes, and yes.
We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
- Psalm 33:20-22
Let us pray this scripture and put our HOPE in the Almighty One. The Lord is our help and our shield today. We trust God today. God offers his unfailing love now, in this moment. Will you rest in that hope?
Your Sister