Dear Friend,
I reach out my hand and the baby grasps my finger. He makes not a noise but is looking around the room in curiosity.
I know these voices, he seems to be thinking, though gone is muffled wooshing enveloping every sound. That higher voice? Ah, my sister. She giggles a lot and used to massage me through mommy’s belly wall.
Hmm…that deeper voice? My dad. The strength I once felt in his voice I now feel in his muscular embrace.
What's that other voice? Soothing and sometimes singing. Now I can put a smell together with this sound—mom.
In this moment and many to come, I feel that my baby is wonderful. Nothing to be added. Nothing to be subtracted. Exactly as he is.
He hasn’t written a hit song yet. He hasn’t built a skyscraper—even out of Legos. He hasn’t gotten straight A’s. He hasn’t said, “I love you, Mommy.” He hasn’t even said, “I need you”—not yet even with a cry for food or diaper change.
He hasn’t donated to charity. Or fed the dog. Or done the dishes. Or helped the new kid in class. Or performed in the talent show. Or made the game-winning goal. Or gotten into an Ivy League. Or gotten that great job. Or bought that amazing whatever-it-is. Or recycled. Or gotten that promotion. Or served the community.
He just is.
He is.
And I delight in him because he IS.
He brings joy just by being.
"God brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me." 2 Samuel 22:20
"For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory." Psalm 149:4
Dear Friend, the Lord made you.
The Lord sees you.
The Lord delights in you.
What a glorious truth: the God of the universe takes time to delight in you!
You make your Father proud.
Just by being you.
Your friend,
p.s. Sit with this truth for a while. Find a quiet place. Inhale and tell God: “I’m in a spacious place.” Exhale and tell God what he already declares to be true: “You delight in me” (2 Samuel 22:20). Repeat these breaths for a while and see what happens.