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Dear Friend,

Your sandals are barely tied on, and one leather strap has come loose. But you hardly notice because you’re running so fast. Of course, your legs are so little that it takes you longer to climb the hill than the bigger kids. It doesn’t matter, though, because as soon as you reach the top of the hill, you see Jesus rising from the other side. Your heart skips a beat. Jesus!

At once, you and the other children race toward him. If you could just reach Jesus…

You can’t say what you’re longing for exactly. You just know you must get near him.

Without warning, some giant bearded men block your way. Why do these guys smell like fish? And why won’t they let me see Jesus?

Stunned, you feel your throat tighten. No Jesus? How can I not see him? He came for me, didn’t he?

Then you hear it: something deep and rich and harmonious. With the command of thunder and the light touch of a feather, Jesus speaks: “Let the little children come to me.”

hand reaching out in invitation

That’s me! That’s me! He’s calling me! your heart leaps.

You step forward and, before you know it, you’re giggling. You see Jesus’ smiling eyes. Smiling at you.

Every longing is satisfied in an instant. Nestled alongside Jesus, you are





cared for






delighted in

These are words that come to you much later in life—when you have the vocabulary. But in this moment with Jesus, you just feel… good.



When I’m having a rough day, I imagine myself as a child embraced and welcomed by Jesus. God gave us imaginations and senses and the holy scriptures. We can place ourselves in the Biblical scene and receive from Him. Only He can satisfy the deepest longings of our souls. And He can do it in a tangible way.

Many recent studies talk about the power of the brain—imagining practicing the piano lights up the exact neural networks as though we were physically playing.

The beauty of using my imagination to go into Jesus’ presence through quiet, reflective prayer is—I really AM in Jesus’ presence. Present tense. Omnipresent. Emmanuel. God with us.

In that powerful presence, we can bring child-like faith, OR angst, questions, pain, grief, longing, and hunger. Either way, Jesus welcomes us.

And we can invite the Spirit to help us see (the joy in His eyes) and taste (the air rising from the Sea of Galilee) and touch (the rough linen of his cloak) and smell (the sweet wildflowers nearby) and hear (his sonorous voice).

Dear Friend, make room to adore God, confess sins, thank Him, ask for His will to be done, and submit to Him.

Don’t be surprised if the Lord gives you a scripture, or speaks something very personal, or gives you a new insight or direction.

Jesus is with you, Dear Friend. Find a quiet place to enjoy His presence.

Your friend,




Place yourself in a small passage of scripture. Try it with Psalm 23. You are a sheep under the care of The Good Shepherd, Jesus. Take it line by line and ask the Holy Spirit to give you holy imagination to feel the scene. "The Lord is my shepherd." See him standing over you. What is on his feet? What is in his hand? What is he saying with his eyes as he looks at you? How is he shepherding you? "I lack nothing." What does it feel like to have everything you need? How does your stomach feel? Where do you feel abundance in your body? "He makes me lie down in green pastures." How does the grass feel? What is the air temperature? What do you see around you? What smells do you breathe in? Continue this way through the whole Psalm, verse by verse, hearing and tasting the refreshing "quiet waters" of scripture. Pro Tip: If you have a friend or child who struggles to go to sleep, you might speak this scene and ask some five senses questions.

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